Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting of the Jaffna YMCA was held on 22nd August 2020, Saturday at the YMCA Auditorium. President Rev.P.Thevamithran in the Chair.  Around forty two Members attended this meeting.

As Per Constitution five Board of Directors who have served three years, consecutive their Places will be expired. To fill up these vacancies, an election was held. At this election Mr.R.Vinoth, Mr.M.Nishangan and Mr.Jesuthasan were newly elected.

Mr.T.Balasubramaniam and Mr.P.Andrew Praveen were again Elected and remained as Directors. Mr.A.Donald, Mr.R.Nishan and Mr.Dinesh P.Gunaratnam were not elected. On behalf of YMCA we thanks these three Directors who dedicated their service to our YMCA. Aftr the Election these following Board of Directors were elected as office bearers for the year of 2020/2021

Mr.R.Vinoth- President, Mr.T.Jutharajah and Mr.T.Vimalral – Vice Presidents, Mr.J.R.Wilson Jeffery – Treasurer and Mr.M.Nishangan – Ex-Co Member

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