01. Best Performance Award
The Best Performance Awarding Ceremony was conducted on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at 09.30am sponsored by the Direct Family Financial Support Canada (DFFSC), an NGO headed by Mr.M.C.Francis of Toronto, Canada.
Hon.(Mrs.) Vijayakala Maheswaran M.P, State Minister for Education, Sri Lanka was the Chief Guest and Prof.K.Kandasamy ,Competent Authority, University of Jaffna was the Guest of Honour, Mr.S.Muralitharan, Additional Government Agent (Land), District Secretariat, Jaffna. Mr. T. Ayavan, Assistant Director of Education – EMIS, Provincial Department of Education, Northern Province
Mrs.V.Shanmugaratnam, Retired Principal, Vembady Girls’ High School, Jaffna were the Special Guests.
The following Awards were given
- First Rank (GCE A/L Examination 2018) Rs.35,000/= Cash Prize, Shield & Certificate
- Second Rank (GCE A/L Examination 2018) Rs.25,000/= Cash Prize, Shield & Certificate
- YMCA Jaffna Debate Shield to the winner of the Inter School Debate( Kokuvil hindu College) , each Participant received a cash voucher of Rs. 5,000/-
- Bilingual Excellence Award of Rs 20,000/- each for a Male and Female winner
- Trilingual Award of Rs 20,000/- each for a Male and Female winner
- Best All-rounder’s Award of Rs 35,000/- each for a Male and Female winner
- Best Medical Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Best Physical Science Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Best Engineering Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Best Nursing Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Best Computer -Eng Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Best Agriculture Science Student Award of Rs 35,000/- (University of Jaffna)
- Two deserving schools too were presented, books worth of Rs 50,000/- each, Erlalai Maha vidyalayam and Olumadu Tamil Maha Vidyalayam